Weekend fun: Azgard Defence

Azgard Defense

If you have been hooked on http://www.handdrawngames.com/DesktopTD/Default.asp, you can now take the game with you on your Pocket PC device with Azgard Defense (from the same folks who developed Orions: Legend of Wizards). You must build a line of defence to protect your home, Azgard from hordes of most dangerous creatures, invading your place. Choose wizely amongst the fifteen tower types, upgrade them, combine them, find the most effective placement combination, and earn as much as you can.

Azgard Defence comes with over 20 types of different creatures, 15 tower types with different attack types, a level editor, different levels of difficulty and more.

Azgard Defence is available for $9.95 USD from our affiliate Clickgamer. A trial version is also available.

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