Spb Software House has unveiled the next major version of Spb Finance. Version 2.0 comes with many new enhancements. User feedback on version 1 led Spb to focus on three areas: Ease of data entry, customizable reports and improved synchronization with desktops.
So what’s new in this version?
- Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 support and ActiveSync 4.0 support
- Spb Finance Entry – new data entry tool that does not require the stylus
- Advanced reports
- Enhanced finance engine
- Improved Today plug-in
- Synchronization filters (Money Edition)
- Budget synchronization (Money Edition)
- And more
Spb Finance 2.0 is available now for $24.95 USD from our affiliate Handango. Existing 1.x users can upgraed for $12.45 USD. And a trial version is available as well.