VITO AudioPlayer and VITO RingtoneEditor get updated

VITO AudioPlayer

VITO Technology has updated two of its programs, VITO AudioPlayer and VITO RingtoneEditor, with new features.

VITO AudioPlayer is an application to play audio files (WAV, MP3 and Ogg formats supported). It has been optimized for Smartphones and stylus-free operation on Pocket PC devices. Version 1.15 adds features like the ability to view either elapsed or remaining time, quick scrolling support, the ability to quickly select entire folders (Pocket PC version) and still more.

VITO RingtoneEditor is an application that lets you create your own ringtones. Version 1.15 allows you to rename newly created ringtones, new files will have the same quality as the original file, and the application may adjust volume higher on quieter ringtones. As with AudioPlayer, the application comes with an improved help file.

VITO AudioPlayer is available for $9.95 USD from our affiliate PocketGear. VITO RingtoneEditor is also available for $9.95 from our affiliate PocketGear. Trial versions are available for both softwares.