Asustek Eee shipments exceeding expectations

Asustek Eee

The Asustek Eee (which stands for Easy to learn, easy to work and easy to play) is exceeding the expectations of industry experts. During its first quarter debut, the Eee has shipped almost 350,000 units, beating forecasts by at least 50,000 units. Asustek has responded by placing emergency orders with its component suppliers as it expects that January shipments could be as high as 300,000 units.

At this pace, the Eee could reach the milestone of one million shipped units in the first quarter of 2008. Asustek also expects that it will ship five million units in 2008.

The Asustek Eee is a small notebook that comes in a variety of configurations that includes an SSD (up to 4GB), a 7-inch 800×480 display, 512MB RAM, a built-in 300K pixel video camera, 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi and support for both Windows XP or Linux.

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