Designer ice scraper

Erik Baggers ice scraper

Winter was quite late here in southern Ontario but it showed up yesterday with a lovely combination of icy rain and some snow. It took me quite a while to find to turn the iceberg in our driveway back into our car. Too bad I found out about this designer ice scraper a day too late. Designed by Erik Baggers, it is designed in cooperation with physical therapists, so that it grips well and does not put a strain on the hand, arm or shoulder soft rubber for foggy and frosty windows on one side and hard plastic for snow and ice on the other.

Just one problem: What if your arms are not long enough to reach the middle of the windshield? It may look cool but it lacks a handle!

If your arms are long enough, the Erik Baggers ice scraper is available for $35 USD from

Source: Oh Gizmo!

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