SENZ umbrellas: No more umbrellas flipped inside out

Senz umbrella

Raise your hand if your umbrella has ever been turned inside out by a strong wind? Raise the other hand if you poked someone with the end of one of the canopy ribs? If both your arms are in the air, put them back down and head over to see the Senz umbrellas. In their words: We’re currently rejuvenating the industry standards and share the ambitious mission to make all umbrella users enjoy the weather. Our mission has come to life with the introduction of the SENZ Original and the SENZ Mini: exceptional functionality combined with distinguishing style and joy.

The SENZ umbrellas are asymmetric and self-positioning to deliver the best protection from the rain with minimum effort. And the ribs are tipped with flat pieces of plastic to prevent injury to those around you.

The SENZ umbrellas are available for €39.95 for the mini and €49.95 for the Original. Available only in black right now, new colours will be available this year. Unfortunately, they cannot ship out of Europe at this time.

Source: Popgadget

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