Foxconn to start shipping 3G Apple iPhone in June?

Apple iPhone

The Chinese-language Commercial Times is reporting that Foxconn, the manufacturer for the current iPhones, has received orders for the next generation iPhone. Sources quoted by the Commercial Times indicated that some three million 3G iPhones will ship in June. If so, this would pretty much confirm a June or July launch for the 3G iPhone. Many predict that Apple will make the announcement at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

The report goes on to indicate that Foxconn expects to build up to 25 million 3G iPhones.

Meanwhile, another rumour has surfaced suggesting that Apple could be looking at adding haptic feedback to the iPhone (and the iPod touch presumably). Such a technology would provide users with sensory feedback like vibrations and motions when using the touchscreen. Today, iPhone (and other touchscreen devices lacking this feedback) must look at the screen to get confirmation that the touch command was successfully recognized.

Apple is apparently in talks with Immersion Corporation to license their solution in the future.

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