Is Microsoft working on Windows Mobile 6.5?

Microsoft Windows Mobile

A shift to the Google Android operating system may not the most interesting bit of news to come out of Motorola’s Q3 financial results announcement. During a call to financial analysts. Sanjay Jha, Motorola’s co-chief executive officer and CEO of Mobile Devices, said:

“Windows Mobile 6 has not delivered the experience that I think Apple has been able to deliver, but as you look at the plan that is Windows Mobile 7 and even 6.5, I think there are significant new added features which will help the platform,” Jha said. “We have now targeted new teams which are focused – in California and Seattle – to deliver experiences. That is where we have to differentiate."

With Windows Mobile 7 delayed to the second half of 2009, is Microsoft looking at another interim release in response to the threat posed by new devices such as the Apple iPhone 3G and the expected flood of Android-powered mobile phones? It would appear so as Motorola is already planning to release a phone based on the mysterious Windows Mobile 6.5 platform in the second half of 2009.

If so, what new features will Microsoft bring to the arena with Windows Mobile 6.5?

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