A slew of leaked device release dates

It was a busy weekend for leaks about upcoming device launches. It looks like we now have a better idea of what Sprint, Verizon and AT&T are planning to launch in the upcoming weeks.

Over at Sprint, it appears that the HTC Touch Pro2 will be released on September 3rd. The leaked roadmap also shows the Samsung Instinct s50, the original Instinct’s successor, about which little is known.

Meanwhile, a Best Buy launch roadmap indicates that the Samsung Omnia II will launch on August 23rd. This suggests that Verizon will launch the device on that day. Best Buy will also launch a number of other lower end devices that day.

Not to be let out, an AT&T product launch roadmap also leaked out. The list does not give precise dates but are all apparently coming soon. Among these are the BlackBerry Bold 9000, the BlackBerry 9700 (codename Onyx?), the Garmin-Asus nüvifone G60 powered by its unique operating system, the HTC Tilt 2 (with and without camera), the HTC Pure (BGR suggests it’s the HTC Snap), and a number of other lower end devices.