Microsoft to announce Zune phone on June 19th?

Microsoft Zune HD?

A couple of Tweets on the Microsoft-penned Office The Movie Twitter feed suggests that Microsoft will make a Zune product announcement in June. The first such Tweet came in yesterday indicating that “June 2009 will be an important month for Zune lovers.” It was followed by another hours later that said: “New product launch, that’s all I’m allowed to say. Hold off from buying an iPhone/Pre. :)”

So, what is Microsoft up to? There are a few possibilities.

First, we know that Microsoft is working on a new Zune. The Zune HD is expected to come with a touchscreen interface and looks to be Microsoft’s response to the Apple iPod touch. Past rumours have suggested a fall release. Then there is that mysterious Pink device that Microsoft is apparently working on. It has been the subject of a number of rumours in recent months. But Microsoft has also denied several times that it would release a Zune-based phone. Lastly, we could hear about the integration of Zune functionality into Windows Mobile.

Has Microsoft convinced you to hold off buying an iPhone or a Palm Pre?