Major Windows Phone 7 update scheduled for late summer 2011?

Microsoft Windows Phone

All the rumours about upcoming updates for Windows Phone 7 are starting to paint a rather confusing picture. First, there were rumours that the update would be quite significant. A second rumour then suggested that the first update would be smaller, packing CDMA support and cut-and-paste functionality.

ZDNet’s Mary-Jo Foley is reporting that her sources suggest that the first “major” update will not be delivered until August or September 2011. She supports the rumours that there will be one smaller update before that (in January or February) rather than two as some rumours suggested.

The late summer update is codenamed Mango but could end up as Windows Phone 7.5 when it is released. It will be followed up by Windows Phone 8 (codenamed “Apollo”) scheduled for late 2012. Mango will reportedly include features such as Silverlight run-time and HTML 5 support, Far Eastern language support, and more. New enterprise functionality is also a possibility.

To date, Microsoft has only confirmed that it will release an update in early 2011 but has not revealed what it will contain aside from cut-and-paste functionality.

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