Rogers reveals Samsung Captivate no-contract pricing and Android 2.2 plans

Samsung Captivate

Rogers announced the three-year contract price (CA$149.99) for the upcoming Samsung Captivate when it started taking pre-orders just over a week ago. It has now also revealed that the contract free price will be CA$549.99.

Rogers also has good news on the GPS issues front.

Many of you have asked about GPS issues on AT&T’s version of the Captivate and if they would be corrected with the Rogers version. We don’t comment on devices from other carriers but our version of the Captivate has been optimized for overall GPS/navigation performance and has been extensively tested.

Lastly, Rogers also confirmed that it will provide an Android 2.2 update for the Samsung Captivate. They expect to offer it in early 2011.

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