Apple iPhone 5 to launch on October 1st in Canada?

AppleAn internal Telus document obtained by BGR indicates that TELUS will launch the Apple iPhone 5 on October 1st. Despite the fact that this is a Saturday and that traditional phone launch days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, BGR’s “reliable source” suggests that the date is not unreasonable as it is the busiest day of the week for wireless retail stores.

Should the date prove to be accurate, it is likely that other Canadian carriers (Bell and Rogers) will also launch the newest iPhone on that day.

What is not so clear is whether Apple will launch the iPhone 5 simultaneously in Canada and the US. It is possible that Apple will launch in the US first with Canada (and other countries) to follow some time later. This would line up with earlier rumours that AT&T was gearing up for a mid-September launch.

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