Apple to unveil iPhone 5 on September 7th?

AppleAnyone miss the iPhone 5 rumours? A new one today suggests that Apple will hold an “iPod media event” on September 7th (the 8th in Japan). The event which has traditionally focus on Apple’s iPod devices may this year also include an iPhone announcement considering that Apple did not announce a new smartphone at its WWDC event in June.

With the Apple iPhone 5 (and perhaps a new low-cost model) now expected in September or October, the window to make a splashy announcement is getting narrower and narrower. It is unlikely that Apple would hold separate events for its iPod lineup and the iPhone at this point. A combined event with the iPhone in the limelight is the likely scenario.

Apple is also rumoured to have a new iPad (iPad 2 Plus or iPad 3) waiting in the wings. Whether it is unveiled at this event remains to be seen (and might hinge on its own release).

Read more about this story (in Japanese) [Google translation]