Google activating 350,000 Android phones every day? (Updated)

Google Android

Google Android continues to grow at a phenomenal rate: It is now be activating as many as 350,000 phones every day, according to UBS Investment Bank Executive Director and Senior Research Analyst, Brian Pitz. This would amount to a 16 percent increase over the 300,000 activations announced by Google’s Andy Rubin in early December.

It was only two months before that that Google announced it was activating 200,000 Android devices per day. A year ago, it was activating 60,000 devices a day. Such growth could see Android become the most popular smartphone operating system worldwide by the end of the year.

Google’s mobile advertising business is also growing quickly. It AdMob platform is now delivering over two billion ad impressions to mobile devices each day.

Update: Google’s Jeff Huber confirmed during Google’s Q1 results analyst call that some 350,000 Android devices are now being activated every day. He also revealed that some 3 billion apps have now been installed on Android devices.


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