Happy birthday: Gadgetorama turns 6

Happy birthday!

It was six years ago today that I launched Gadgetorama. Since then, 6906 posts with 1399 posts in the last year alone have covered the fast changing world of mobility and gadget news.

How things have changed since that first day: New players such as Apple and Google in the smartphone market, the arrival of netbooks (and early signs of their demise now at the hand of tablets), ever increasing wireless speeds with 3G and now 4G coming on, and the increasing digitization of content (not only music but books, TV and movies as well now). It has been quite the ride and things do not appear to be set to let up any time soon.

Thank you all for your support over the years and for making Gadgetorama a stop for your daily fix of mobility and gadget news. And now, on with the news…