Kobo to launch Vox tablet on October 17th?

Kobo VoxWe first caught wind of the Kobo Vox tablet through an FCC filing only days ago. Little was revealed but there were a few hints that Kobo was getting ready to launch its first tablet device. A prematurely launched product page on the Future Shop website today essentially confirmed this before being pulled down again. Fortunately, it was available long enough for the-digital-reader.com to snap a screenshot and glean a few details about the Vox.

Kobo Vox at Future Shop

The Kobo Vox will be a 7-inch tablet with a resolution of 1024 by 600 pixels. Assuming the specifications listed are accurate (there is some doubt), it will come with 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi, 512MB RAM, 8GB of internal storage, a microSD card slot, a speaker, and access to the Android Market. This indicates that it will be powered by Android but it remains to be seen how much customization Kobo has done to the operating system. It will weigh about 400 grams.

Future Shop listed an availability date of October 17th and a price of CA$249.99.

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