Rogers reveals top 2012 technology trends

Rogers today released its Rogers Innovation Report, based on the results from a survey of more than 1,000 adult Canadian smartphone or tablet users. It finds that most Canadian smartphone or tablet users feel technology will improve their lives in the future. According to Upinder Saini, Vice President of Product Development, Rogers Communications:

“Canadians are connecting to each other and to devices that are literally transforming their daily lives. We have only scratched the surface of what the Internet can do for us. I get very excited when I think about where technology is taking us. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it. The future is here and more is coming.”

Expectations for 2012 and beyond are running high with the following predictions topping the list:

  • Laptops to get smaller and lighter (85%)
  • Faster networks offering seamless mobile game play and music and video streaming (83%)
  • Increasing use of smartphones to make purchases (79%)
  • Growing device interconnectivity with smartphones to control systems inside and outside the home including temperature management, lights and security (82%)
  • Access to movies, photos and documents anywhere virtually (81%) and less clutter and shelf space as our digital media collections grow (68%)
  • Tablets and e-readers unable to replace printed books (63%)

The most fascinating statistic in my opinion is our growing dependence on our smartphones. While 85 percent of respondents described themselves as attached toe their device, 7% described themselves as “ridiculously” attached and 22% said “wouldn’t want to live without it” or “would be lost without.” 39% of Canadians now take their smartphones to bed or have them on the nightstand. And 23% feel the urge to use them in the bathroom. Is there an untapped market for bathroom-centric apps?

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