Verizon to offer unlimited data plans for Apple iPhone?

Verizon Wireless

With Verizon widely expected to announce on January 11th that it will soon carry the Apple iPhone, attention has turned to speculation about what data plans Verizon could offer with the device. Citing “a person familiar with the matter,” The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Verizon could offer an unlimited data plan.

Last summer, AT&T stopped offering unlimited data plans, offering only capped data plans with the introduction of the iPhone 4.

Verizon has also spent a fair amount of time recently confirming that its network would be able to handle the spike in data traffic that the iPhone launch is expected to bring with it:

“Whether they are iPhones or Droids, they are smartphones,” Verizon Chief Executive Ivan G. Seidenberg said in a mid-November interview. “Regardless of the mix, we are prepared to carry more data.”

Some analysts expect that Verizon could sell up to 12 million iPhones this year.

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