Canadians sent 78 billion texts in 2011

It may be too soon to say that the love affair with SMS is over – at least in Canada. According to the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association, Canadians sent about 78 billion text messages in 2011. That averages out to 2,500 per second. It is also an impressive near 40% increase over the 56.4 billion messages sent in 2010.

Text messages in Canada (2006-2011)

Canadians are also increasingly using MMS. A total of 326.7 million MMS messages were sent in 2011. Of those, 103 million were sent in Q4 alone with December averaging 1.2 million MMS a day.

The graph above suggests that large increases may be a thing of the past. Growth looks to be tapering off and about to hit a plateau. Perhaps other communication tools are starting to have an effect in Canada after all.

Read more: (CWTA)