Mobilicity starts taking Samsung Galaxy Note II pre-orders

Samsung Galaxy Note IIMobilicity today began taking pre-orders for the Samsung Galaxy Note II. As an extra incentive, it is offering a CA$50 rebate for a limited time.

When you pre-order, you will receive an email revealing the launch date.

Thank you! We have received your pre-order registration request for the Samsung Galaxy Note II smartphone at Mobilicity. You are on the list of consumers eligible to be the first Canadians to get this smartphone when it launches in Canada on October 30, 2012!

The email also explains how the rebate will work: It will apply to the first 1,000 people to purchase and activate their Samsung Galaxy Note II. Signing up for automatic monthly payments by November 6th will also be required to be eligible.

TELUS yesterday was the first carrier to announce that it would launch the Galaxy Note II on October 30th. Other carriers who will offer Samsung’s latest ‘phablet’ include Bell, Rogers, Sasktel, Vidéotron, and WIND Mobile. It is likely that most if not all will also launch on the same date.

Read more: Mobilicity