Modest upgrade in store for next Samsung Galaxy S device?

SamsungYesterday, Samsung announced that it would unveil its next Galaxy device on May 3rd. The invitation made no mention of the name “Galaxy S III” and a new rumour may explain why. According to CNet UK, the next Galaxy S will be a “minor update” and may not even be called the Galaxy S III.

The report indicates that Samsung has chosen to go with an incremental update. According to CNet UK‘s source, “It’ll be like the iPhone 4S was to the 4.” Among the updates will be a 1.5GHz quad-core processor, 1GB RAM, and a 4.7-inch display. The physical design may not change much and could retain a physical home button.

It could include one new feature called ‘Human Interaction.’ Using the front-facing camera to track eye movement, it would know when users are looking at the screen. For example, the screen could lock if you have not looked at it for a certain time.

The device’s name may surprise a few as well. “Don’t expect it to be called the S3,” said the source. Could Samsung announce the Samsung Galaxy S II Plus as past rumours suggested? Based on its own device naming system, it is certainly possible.

Read more: CNet UK