Nokia CEO hints at PureView Windows Phone 8 devices

Ever since Nokia unveiled its Nokia 808 PureView smartphone with its 41MP camera sensor, people have wondered when this technology would make its way over to the Windows Phone Lumia devices. Nokia has hinted at such a move a number of times (back in March and earlier this month) in the past.

Nokia CEO Stephen Elop is the latest to hint at such a move. Asked about such a move, he responded, “When we announced PureView with the Nokia 808 earlier this year, we knew that people were going to be interested in when it would come to Windows Phone. Now, we haven’t announced any other smartphones with PureView but I can say that you will see this technology in devices to come,” in a Microsoft TechEd follow-up video. The answer comes in at the 1:16 mark in the video below:

Little is known about Nokia’s Windows Phone 8 plans but past rumours have revealed a number of possible clues. Two devices, the Nokia Prodigy and AC/DC, are apparently in development for AT&T. Another four were recently caught on a benchmarking site. Of these, the Nokia PureLambda was running OS 8.0.9842 and the name itself, along with that of the Nokia Pure Phi, suggests that it could sport Nokia’s PureView technology.

It all adds up to a lot of conjecture at this point but the repeated hints do suggest that Nokia is looking at using PureView to distinguish its Windows Phone smartphones from those of the competition.

Read more: Electronista

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