Samsung Galaxy Note III to sport 6.3-inch AMOLED display?

SamsungIt appears that the game of smartphone display size one-upmanship will continue into 2013. On the heels of rumours that LG was readying a phablet with a 6.1-inch display comes word that the Samsung Galaxy Note III could have an even larger display.

According to The Korea Times, the Samsung Galaxy Note III is already in development. Samsung is apparently planning to give it a 6.3-inch OLED display. In comparison, the Samsung Galaxy Note II has a 5.5-inch display. It remains to be seen how Samsung will manage the power demands of such a large display (presumably offering a 1080p resolution).

Samsung has already proven that there is a market for oversized smartphones. Samsung now appears ready to push that envelope further (and further than LG).

The report also adds that the Samsung Galaxy S IV will be unveiled at MWC 2013 in late February.

Read more: The Korea Times (Source: BGR)