BlackBerry 10 “coming soon” to SaskTel

You can now add SaskTel to the list of Canadian carriers getting ready for the launch of BlackBerry 10. Like Bell, Rogers, TELUS and Virgin which have also confirmed plans to carry BlackBerry 10 devices, SaskTel has created an information sitelet for the new operating systems. It highlights a number of features such as Camera with Time Shift and BlackBerry Hub. Unlike the others, it does not offer the option to sign up for updates or reserve a device. Perhaps that will be offered later.

Research In Motion will unveil its first BlackBerry 10 devices on January 30th at a series of worldwide events, including ones in Toronto and New York. Two devices will be launched, the first an all-touch one and the second one with a QWERTY keyboard. Additional devices will launch later this year.

Read more: SaskTel (Source: MobileSyrup)