Earth Day: How to recycle your old cell phone

Recycle My CellToday is Earth Day and one thing you can do today is to go through your drawers and pull out all those old cell phones that you no longer use to recycle them so that they don’t end up in the landfill instead. As it has done in the past, the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) is once again reminding us of its free cell phone recycling program called Recycle My Cell. Last year alone, it collected nearly 582,000 old cell phones.

“Canadians are world leaders in the way they embrace new technology, particularly when it comes to wireless devices,” said Bernard Lord, President & CEO of the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA). “It is also our responsibility to be world leaders in protecting our environment for generations to come. There is simply no reason that an old cell phone should ever end up in a landfill.”

When you visit the website, you can use your postal code to locate the 10 closest drop-off locations where old wireless devices will be accepted, regardless of brand or condition. Should none prove to be particularly convenient, the site also offers printable postage-paid labels that can be used to mail the device back to Recycle My Cell at no cost to you.

The website also provides information about the program, facts and figures on e-waste, FAQs and links to provincial e-waste management sites. For example, the program has diverted 977 tons of old handsets from landfill since its launch in 2005.

Have you recycled an old smartphone through Recyle My Cell or a similar program? Let us know below.

Source : Recycle My Cell