Jump Rope Wear Counter tracks your jump rope workout

Jump Rope Wear CounterPick up almost any smartwatch and chances are that it comes with an activity and fitness tracker. With just a few sensors, you can get basic information including how far you’ve walked or run per day and heart rate measurements. Devices that offer a greater focus on fitness will support more activities, including running and cycling. But chances are that you’ll have a hard time finding one that will track your jump rope workout. Fortunately, Gooseberry Development has released Jump Rope Wear Counter for Android Wear.

While skipping you just need to wear your smartwatch and it will analyze your jumping rope activity. It integrates jumping sessions in Google Fit so you can see your progress during the weeks.

Jump Rope Wear Counter does not pretend to be more than it is. It will track the number of jumps, the calories burned and will even provide an estimate of distance traveled had you been jumping forward rather than in place.

Jump Rope Wear Counter app

Jump Rope Wear Counter also syncs with Google Fit. As a result, you’ll be able to see how much your rope jumping has contributed to your overall daily fitness program.

Jump Rope Wear Counter sells for US$0.99 (CA$1.15) on Google Play.

Sources : Google Play // Android Police