ROM updates for the H6365 and the H6340

HP has released some much anticipated ROM updates for the iPAQ h6340 and h6365.

The ROM fixes include:

  • GSM and GPRS fixes in a new GSM firmware (version 541C update)
  • New wireless LAN drivers (build 59) to fix a number of wireless connectivity issues
  • New Bluetooth drivers (build with 7 fixes
  • Fixes for the synchronization of the LED and network status, the sending of MMS messages and the activation of echo cancellation for wired headsets

Among the enhancements, you’ll find:

  • Improved called handling and reception (through GSM Firmware version 541C update)
  • Improved reception and roaming and a longer username and password length for LEAP (in the wireless LAN driver build)
  • Improved headset compatibility and reconnection when returning into a service area (Bluetooth updates)
  • And more