Another fabric keyboard carrying case combination

Eleksen keyboard / case prototype

Back in October, I posted an item about a prototype keyboard that also acted as a case for a UMPC device. It was built using technology from Eleksen, the company that came up with flexible fabric keyboards.

Another prototype has now appeared. This case is made of neoprene and is large enough to carry smaller mobile devices such as UMPCs or PDAs. When you need to, you simply slide your device out of the case, connect via USB and your case is now a keyboard. It worked quite well for Steve from the site Carrypad Journal who got to try it out. After a little practice, he found himself typing at about 55 percent his usual keyboard speed but twice as fast as screen pecking. The prototype weighs all of 89 grams. Eleksen is also looking at a Bluetooth variant.

Unfortunately, it remains at the prototype stage at this time so no word on when we could see such a gadget in stores.

Source: UberGizmo

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