More on the O2 Xda Flame

O2 Xda Flame

The upcoming 02 XDA is one impressive device. The recap: 3.6-inch VGA screen, 3G support, 520MHZ Intel XScale PXA270 processor and an NVIDIA GoForce 5500 GPU, 2GB ROM, 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi, a 2MP camera, SRS Mobile HD surround sound support and TV-out support.

A few more details are now available: Bluetooth, tri-band support, a flash for the 2MP camera, a secondary camera for video calling, a microSD slot, an FM tuner and an IR port.

As reported yesterday, the Flame will be out in the first quarter of 2007 with Thailand being the first country to see it.

Is there a downside? So far, there are no plans for quad-band support.

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