Nokia N96 pictures leaked

Nokia N96

It looks like there is a successor in the wings for the Nokia N81 and N95. The Nokia N96 has appeared in pictures, courtesy of a Flickr image collection. The pictures show a dual slider. But the upper panel lacks the N95’s media controls and appears blank. Could this be a touch-sensitive pad? The N96 also shows its N81 heritage by sporting a similar scroll wheel with media control buttons around it. The back sports a 5MP camera with Carl Zeiss lens and dual-LED flash as well as a small stand to hold the device on an angle.

The Boy Genius indicates that the N96 will run the upcoming S60 3rd edition Feature Pack 2 (Symbian OS 9.5) operating system.

There is also a rumour floating about that the display could run at VGA resolution (480×640 pixels).

There is no word on when Nokia is expected to formally announce the N96.

Source: The Boy Genius

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