Windows Mobile General Mobile DSTW1 supports dual SIMs

General Mobile DSTW1

There is another dual-SIM mobile phone on the horizon. General Mobile is set to release the DSTW1 that sports not only the aforementioned dual-SIM support but Windows Mobile 6 as well. The first SIM slot supports quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE connectivity while the second supports tri-band (900/1800/1900MHz) GSM/GPRS/EDGE connectivity.

The DSTW1 is powered by two processors (200MHz TI OMAP850 and 104MHz Dragon Fly) and Windows Mobile 6 Professional (the specs mention Crossbow). It also comes with 64MB RAM and 256MB ROM, a 2.8-inch QVGA touchscreen display, Bluetooth 2.0, a 2MP camera, and a microSD expansion slot. The DSTW1 does not come with Wi-Fi or 3G connectivity though.

General Mobile will also release two other dual-SIM phones but these will not run on Windows Mobile. The DST11 is a dual-band slider and the DST22 is a dual-band candybar phone.

The General Mobile DSTW1 is expected to launch in Europe in March. The price has not been disclosed yet.

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