Apple iPhone dominates mobile browsing

Apple iPhone 3G

Net Applications has just published its first report into mobile device browsing metrics. The report called “Mobile Browsing by Platform Market Share” shows that the Apple iPhone has an overwhelming lead over other mobile operating systems.

Specifically, the iPhone has a 66.61 percent share, followed by Java ME with 9.06 percent, and Windows Mobile in third with 6.91 percent. Net Applications comments that both Android and BlackBerry are rapidly gaining market share as well.

Overall, mobile browsing only accounts for less than one percent of all browsing done. In February, it accounted for 0.72 percent, up from 0.69 in January. It will be interesting to see how this trends in the future.

Another report looks into mobile searching and shows that Google owns a 97.49 percent market share, followed by Yahoo at 2.03 percent. No other competitor even has a single percent market share.

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