HTC goes global with Quietly Brilliant brand

We first caught the new ‘Quietly Brilliant’ brand on HTC’s U.S. site a couple of weeks ago. Today, HTC announced that its new brand was going global in a new advertising campaign that would span some 20 countries. Featuring the tagline ‘You don’t need to get a phone. You need a phone that gets you.’, the YOU campaign will focus on “driving broad, global visibility and understanding of HTC’s unique brand promise – that it’s all about YOU, the consumer, and in fact not the device."

The campaign will appear on TV, billboards and other outdoor campaigns, and major web sites. Up to 95 percent of U.S. cellphone users are expected to see at least one YOU campaign ad by the end of the year.

HTC’s new campaign will run well into next year although it will slow down after the holidays. It will then ramp back up as needed when HTC introduces new devices. The ad campaigns will refer customer to carrier partner sites as HTC does not sell phones directly to customers.

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