Motorola not ruling out future Windows Phone 7 devices


Despite a lawsuit from Microsoft just days ago, Motorola remains open to the idea of developing future devices running the upcoming Windows Phone 7 operating system. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Motorola co-Chief Executive Sanjay Jha said, “I am open to finding ways to work with Microsoft. But it has to be a compelling offering.”

If Motorola does decide to jump back on the Microsoft bandwagon, it will be a while before we see any devices. To date, Motorola engineers have not even seen Windows Phone 7, according to Jah.

Motorola was forced to abandon plans to use Microsoft’s mobile operating system after Microsoft failed to deliver its new operating system in 2009. Instead it focused its efforts on Android in a (successful) bid to turn the struggling company’s fortunes around.

Jah was also dismissive of Microsoft’s lawsuit, calling it “part of business.”

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