RIM BlackBerry Bold 9900 coming to Mobilicity “within weeks”

RIM BlackBerry Bold 9900While the older, more established Canadian carriers were quick to announce their plans for the new BlackBerry smartphones, newer carriers like Mobilicity, Public Mobile, and WIND Mobile, have all been quiet. Mobilicity is now the first out of the gate with confirmation via Twitter by its CEO that it would soon offer the BlackBerry Bold 9900:

Bold 9900 is coming soon, weeks not months.

Specific availability and pricing details have yet to be announced.

It also remains to be seen if and when Mobilicity will offer other BlackBerry 7 OS devices although it could be “very soon” if another tweet is any indication.

Source: MobileSyrup


  1. Well after speaking to Dave 2 days ago … I was told a couple of weeks. I don’t like the word couple esp. since tmobile has it already

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