ASUS Transformer Prime shipment numbers revealed?

ASUS Transformer PrimeCourt documents that came out of the lawsuit brought upon ASUS by Hasbro over the use of the name “Transformer Prime” for its latest Android tablet have revealed some surprising shipment numbers. One document states that “as of February 24, 2012, it had received over 2,000 pre-orders… and that retailer fulfillment orders for the next two months total approximately 80,000 tablet computers.”

The document does not provide any context for the numbers. Is ASUS unable to ship higher volumes or are they a reflection of demand?

On a more positive note, the court ruled in ASUS’s favour and the manufacturer will be able to continue to sell its tablet under the Transformer Prime brand. The judge refused to believe Hasbro’s claim that customers could confuse the tablet for a Hasbro product: “There is nothing gimmicky about the Eee Pad Transformer or the Eee Pad Transformer Prime, nor can it be said that there is any similarity in the use or function between Hasbro and Asus’s products.”

I have a feeling that this is shallow victory for ASUS in light of those shipment numbers.

Read more: Paid Content