Huawei sets goal of shipping 60 million smartphones in 2012

HuaweiSamsung is not the only company setting some impressive smartphone shipment goals for itself in 2012. In an interview with Mobile World Live, Huawei’s Devices Chairman Richard Yu said that his company is hoping to ship 60 million smartphones this year. Two years ago, it shipped five million smartphones and last year increased that to 20 million. If growth continues at this pace, it could well match its latest goal.

Huawei is hoping to focus on hero products, such as the ultra-thin Ascend P1 S and the quad-core Ascend D quad, in order to grow its reputation. To meet its shipments goals, it will also target the mid and lower-end tiers.

With Samsung and Apple having the lion share of hanset profits, Yu also predicted that very few smartphone vendors would survive. He expects that only three or four will remain and added that he hoped that Huawei would be among those. A similar consolidation is also likely to take place with mobile operating systems in his opinion.

Read more: Mobile World Live (Source: AllThingsD)