Rumour: Samsung Galaxy S III to retain physical home button

SamsungRumours about the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S III are reaching volumes normally reserved for Apple products. According to the Korean Digital Daily, the physical “Home” button that can be found on the Samsung Galaxy S and the Galaxy S II will also make its way onto the Galaxy S III. The report adds that Samsung will also come with the five-column icon layout first seen on its Galaxy Note phablet.

The decision to keep or remove the hardware button was apparently the topic of internal debate by Samsung executives. With Android 4.0 now offering similar functionality, its role was in question but it appears that it will remain for now.

With rumours that the Samsung display could be as large as 4.65-inch or even a 4.8-inch one, Samsung has also chosen to go with a 5-icon columns layout, one more than is found other Android 4.0 devices such as the Galaxy Nexus. This may allow Samsung to differentiate its flagship from competing devices.

The physical Home button showed up on an alleged image of the Samsung Galaxy S III last month.

Read more: Digital Daily (in LANGUAGE) [Google translation]