Samsung outlines U.S. carrier Android 4.0 Galaxy upgrade plans

SamsungSamsung has posted new details about its Android 4.0 upgrade plans for devices offered by U.S. carriers. The list does not provide specific timelines and Samsung warns that “this list may be altered as updates are confirmed or released.”

AT&T leads the pack with six devices, including the Galaxy S II, Galaxy Note, and Nexus S, scheduled for updates. Sprint and Verizon both have two devices up for updates. Samsung and T-Mobile USA are still “in close communication” to determine which devices will be updated.

The following Wi-Fi-only devices are also scheduled for updates: the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus, the Galaxy Tab 8.9 Wi-Fi, and the Galaxy Tab 10.1 Wi-Fi.

It should come as no surprise that both the original Samsung Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab are not listed. Despite an outcry about its decision, Samsung has yet to reverse its stand on providing updates for these devices.

Only one update is currently available. It is for Sprint’s Nexus S 4G (SPH-d720).

Read more: Samsung (Source: Ubergizmo)