This is the Apple iPhone 5 that I want

The fine folks at Aatma Studio are at it again. The 3D animation and digital content studio has released a new concept video with their suggestions for features that the upcoming Apple iPhone 5 should have. I’ll definitely be lining up for one if it comes with “rubberband electronics.”

New iPhone 5, New iPad & iPad Mini come together in this iPhone 5 concept must see video. This CG iPhone 5 has a longer iPhone design, iPhone 5 new larger home screen, iOS 6, fingerprint scan, iPhone’s new notification center with siri updates and stretchable or rubberband electronics.

Now the question is: Can Apple deliver the goods on September 12th?

It’s not the first time that Aatma have come up with such concept videos. Check out their iPad 3 and other iPhone 5 concept videos.

Read more: Aatma Studio [via YouTube]