Why do so many Apple iPhones show 9:42 in ads?

If you go back and look at Apple’s ads for the various iPhones, you will notice that many of them show the time 9:42am. The reason behind this was revealed this week former Apple exec Bob Borcher. In a presentation that covered a number of topics, he explained that this particular time marks an important moment in Apple history:

“If you ever see an Apple ad, print or TV, you look at the time and it’s always going to be 9:42 — 9:42 is when we launched the iPhone.”

It makes sense until you realize that a large number of ads show the time as 9:41 rather than 9:42. Here’s just one of them:

So, it is 9:41 or 9:42? Apple, how can you be so unsure? Or is there a conspiracy afoot within Apple to try to change history?

Read more: Business Insider