Humour: Proposing in the age of smartphones

Joy of Tech - Proposing

Smartphones have become the hub of not only our communications but many daily activities. A number of older technologies are quickly fading away and every year it seems that more are making way for yet another task our mobile devices can manage. Dedicated cameras are quickly disappearing, the contents of our wallets are slowly making their way into our mobile devices, even our health history and goals are quickly becoming something we track through our smartphones. At the same time, mobile devices are redefining many of our cultural norms. Could the following scenario really be so far away?

Joy of Tech - Proposing

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Could the diamond engagement ring make way for an exchange of accounts on smartphones? Android 4.2 Jelly Bean made it possible for tablets and Android 5.0 Lollipop just did the same for smartphones.

Source : The Joy of Tech