Father’s Day: Turn your dad into a portable Wi-Fi hotspot with the Tie-Fi

Grip Tie-FiAsk fathers what they want for Father’s Day and many will tell you that they simply want more time with their kids. In an age where many kids (and adults) would prefer to spend time on their smartphones and tablets, Canadian advertising agency Grip Limited has come up with a solution that should make everyone happy. Not only can this be a project that you take on with your kids but it will also ensure that they will continue to seek you out long after Father’s Day has gone. Introducing Tie-Fi, a tie that can act as a low-strength Wi-Fi hotspot.

What makes Tie-Fi rather unique is that it captures your home’s Wi-Fi signal and reroutes it to the tie. The only way to get connect to the network is to be in range of the tie. As that range is no more than 10 feet, your children will have no choice but to seek you out and stay close to you.

Grip Limited may have invented the Tie-Fi as a bit of a joke (as well as to attract attention to itself with a clever campaign), it has nonetheless provided the instructions to build yourself a Tie-Fi, perhaps as a project with the kids. All you need aside from the tie is a Raspberry Pi 2 b+ computer, a low-power Wi-Fi router, an external battery pack, an 8GB microSD card and a few other components. When you’re done, you will have a tie with its own wireless repeater on a new SSID and password. And the attention of your kids!

Grip Tie-Fi

Happy Father’s Day!

Source : Tie-Fi