Gigabyte unveils new touch interface for GSmart Windows Mobile smartphones

GigaByte has announced its new touch-based user interface for GSmart Windows Mobile smartphones.

Growing with the PDA phones and Smartphone market, GSmart has recently developed a new UI – Smart Touch, which is a finger friendly interface that works like iPhone, but it’s intuitive, informative and flexible features, makes GSmart phone much more personal than iPhone, it is a more integrated version with useful and interesting features.

Smart Touch allows users to create shortcuts for up to 16 applications on the standby screen. A list of iconized shortcuts is displayed at the bottom of the screen, making it easy to launch programs or add, move and delete shortcuts. The center portion of the screen can be used to display widgets. So far, only an analog and a digital clock are available but more widgets are promised. The interface is fully customizable, allowing users to set up their own themes, colours and favourite background pictures. The interface can also be turned off completely to revert to the traditional Windows Mobile interface.

Unlike the iPhone interface, Smart Touch does not support multi-touch.

While a Chinese version of Smart Touch leaked earlier, Gigabyte warns that it is not fully working. The official version of Smart Touch will be available in Europe later in May.

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