Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 delayed by redesign

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note 10.1 at MWC 2012 without giving any details about when it might launch. At a press event today, the company still could not provide a release date. A spokesperson told The Verge that the device that will eventually ship may not be an exact match for the one showed off in February. He added that Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note 10.1 to “make a splash at the conference.”

The statement suggests that Samsung will make a number of hardware changes to the Galaxy Note 10.1 to better differentiate it from the Galaxy Tab 2 (10.1). It is possible that Samsung will replace the 1.4GHz dual-core Exynos processor with a more powerful 1.5GHz quad-core processor in a bid to have a quad-core tablet out before Apple does.

It would not be the first time that Samsung has revised a product between its announcement and launch. It did so with the original Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 despite denying it.

Read more: The Verge