Google schedules San Francisco event for July 24

July 24 Event

Google is sending out invites for a July 24 event in San Francisco entitled, “Please join us for breakfast with Sundar Pichai,” which should cover topics about development in Android or Chrome since he is in charge of those areas for Google. For the many of us that cannot be there, Google will live stream it on YouTube.

Topics could be about the new OS 4.3, which Google has yet to make official, but we all know exists. It could also relate to a new Nexus 7 tablet we reported could be released by the end of July. Last, but certainly not least, could it be a chance for them to showcase the first ever Motorola phone produced since Google took them over, the new Moto X, we reported seeing Google CEO Eric Schmidt sporting “in the wild” last week.

There are so many invitations to “events” these days, it is almost impossible to keep track of them all, but Eye On Mobility will help keep you up-to-date, as we monitor them for you. Let us know in the comments what you believe Google will announce on July 24.

Source : Android Central