Moto X stars in first ads

Motorola Moto XWith rumours that Motorola could spend up to US$500 million to market the Moto X, you can expect to see a profusion of ads everywhere. The first such ads are already out and focus on two new features that Motorola unveiled on its latest smartphone (and the new Verizon DROID ones as well).

The first ad, called “Quick Draw,” showcases the Quick Capture camera which activates when the smartphone is shaken twice.

The second ad, “Always ready,” features Touchless Control by which the Moto X responds to voice-activated commands such as making calls, requesting directions or doing Internet searches without having to touch the device. It is activated with the phrase “Ok Google Now.”

Both videos also call attention to the customization options by showing off the Moto X in a range of coloured backplates. Unfortunately, they do not call out that this feature is only available through AT&T for now.

Enjoy the videos and let us know if a Moto X is in your future in our latest poll.