Concept Sunday: Revisiting the Nokia smartwatch

Nokia smartwatch concept

Last week, we featured Phone Designer’s take on what Nokia’s smartwatch could look like should the company move forward with this project. Based on leaked images that surfaced back in October 2013, they showed a very simple and elegant device with a touchscreen display. All that was really missing was a closer look at the interface that could drive this watch. New images have now rectified this and also given us different angles of the watch itself.

Unsurprisingly, the interface is inspired by Windows Phone. It still shows three rows of information but shows that customization is possible. Different watch faces are also supported and likely available through the Windows Phone Store (or Windows Watch store?). We can also see the media player showing song information as well as the album cover. This feature confirms that the display is a a full-on colour one.

Best of all, Nokia’s famous Snakes game is back!

Nokia smartwatch concept

The Nokia smartwatch concept now comes in a variety of colours as well. Unfortunately, it appears that you would need to buy separate watches for the different colours rather than being able to customize one with different bands.

Before you rush out to the store looking for the Nokia smartwatch, remember that this is still but a concept.

Source : Phone Designer