Apple Watch reviews begin rolling in

Apple WatchApple Watch pre-orders begin (very early) tomorrow. Just in time, Apple lifted its embargo and a number of publications have now published their reviews.

Without spoiling too much, these reviews are consistent about a few points. As one would expect from an Apple product, the watch itself is receiving positive reviews with Apple being lauded for coming up with another elegant and stylish product. Most reviews agree that the Apple Watch is superior to smartwatches offered by competitors when it comes to design and finish.

Reviews are not quite as rosy when it comes to the software and functionality. Much as the first Apple iPhone, the compromises that Apple had to make prevent the Apple Watch from truly standing head and shoulders above the competition and meeting the company’s own ambitions. Much as we have seen with other smartwatches, most reviews agree that the Apple Watch is a nice accessory but is not a must have device.

From Bloomberg:

“The Apple Watch is cool, it’s beautiful, it’s powerful, and it’s easy to use. But it’s not essential. Not yet.”

From The Verge:

“If you’re going to buy an Apple Watch, I’d recommend buying a Sport model; I wouldn’t spend money on how it looks until Apple completes the task of figuring out what it does.”

Yellow gold Apple Watch Edition

Here is a selection of Apple Watch reviews for your reading pleasure:

All in all, it appears that the Apple Watch is superior to its competition in many ways but the limitations of smartwatches in general as well as its own mean that it has not pulled away as a clear winner either. But the potential is clearly there and it will be interesting to see how future generations of the Apple Watch overcome the usual challenges of a first-generation product.

Apple Watch pre-orders begin tomorrow at 12:01 AM PT (03:01 AM ET). Prices start at US$349 (CA$449) for the Apple Watch Sport line and top out at US$17,000 (CA$22,000) for the Apple Watch Edition line.